What is the Knee Thing on TikTok?

TikTok has taken the world by storm, and it’s not hard to see why. The app, which allows users to create and share short, snappy videos, has become a cultural phenomenon with millions of users worldwide. One of the latest TikTok trends that have everyone talking is the knee thing.

If you’re not familiar with the knee thing, it’s a dance move that involves bending one knee while keeping the other leg straight, then quickly switching legs and repeating the movement. Sounds simple enough, right? Well, it might be easy to explain, but it’s not as easy to master.

The knee thing has become a hit on TikTok, with users from all over the world sharing their own versions of the dance. So, what exactly is the knee thing, where did it come from, and why has it become so popular? Let’s take a closer look.

Origins of the Knee Thing

We may not have the best moves, but we're having fun trying the knee thing on TikTok! #friends #kneething #tiktoktrend
We may not have the best moves, but we’re having fun trying the knee thing on TikTok! #friends #kneething #tiktoktrend

If you’re wondering where the knee thing came from, you’re not alone. While it’s hard to trace the exact origins of this TikTok dance trend, it’s clear that it has evolved over time and has been influenced by various sources.

History and Evolution of the Knee Thing on TikTok

The knee thing first gained popularity on TikTok in early 2021, but it’s unclear who started the trend. However, as with most viral dances, it quickly spread throughout the app, with users all over the world putting their own spin on the move.

Over time, the knee thing has evolved, with users incorporating different variations, such as adding arm movements or incorporating the move into a larger dance routine. Some users have even added their own unique flair, like dressing up in costumes or using creative camera angles.

Influences and Inspirations for the Dance Move

Like many TikTok trends, the knee thing has likely been influenced by a variety of sources. Some users have speculated that the move was inspired by traditional African dance, while others believe it was influenced by hip-hop or other popular dance styles.

Regardless of its origins, the knee thing has become a staple on TikTok, with users from all over the world putting their own twist on the dance. It just goes to show that sometimes the best trends are the ones that are created organically and spread through the power of social media.

Why is the Knee Thing Popular on TikTok?

Can you keep up with my knee thing on TikTok? #challengeaccepted #tiktokdance #kneething
Can you keep up with my knee thing on TikTok? #challengeaccepted #tiktokdance #kneething

The knee thing has become a viral sensation on TikTok, and for a good reason. There are several factors that contribute to its popularity, making it one of the hottest dance trends on the app.

Analysis of the Appeal and Virality of the Knee Thing

One of the reasons the knee thing has taken off on TikTok is because of its catchy and upbeat nature. It’s a fun and energetic dance that anyone can do, making it a hit with TikTok’s young and diverse audience.

Another reason for the knee thing’s appeal is its perfect timing. With the COVID-19 pandemic forcing us to stay indoors, people are looking for ways to stay entertained and connected with others. TikTok has become a platform for people to share their creativity and connect with others, and the knee thing is a perfect example of this.

Factors that Contribute to its Popularity

The knee thing’s popularity can also be attributed to its simplicity. It’s a relatively easy dance move to learn, and once you get the hang of it, you can add your own flair and style to make it your own. This makes it accessible to anyone, regardless of their dance experience.

Additionally, the knee thing’s popularity can be linked to the power of social media. TikTok’s algorithm promotes content that is engaging and shareable, and the knee thing checks both of these boxes. When one person shares a video of themselves doing the knee thing, it can quickly go viral and inspire others to join in on the trend.

Overall, the knee thing’s popularity can be attributed to its fun and energetic nature, its simplicity, and the power of social media. It’s clear that the knee thing isn’t going away anytime soon, and we can expect to see more creative and exciting versions of the dance in the future.


In summary, the knee thing has become one of the hottest trends on TikTok, with millions of users around the world sharing their own versions of the dance. It’s a simple move, but it’s surprisingly difficult to master. The knee thing has become popular on TikTok because of its catchy beat, fun dance moves, and the ability to be creative and make it your own.

If you’re looking to try the knee thing for yourself, remember to start slow and practice the moves one at a time. Once you feel comfortable with the basics, you can add your own flair and make it stand out. With a little practice and some creativity, you can create your own viral TikTok video.

So, what are you waiting for? Grab your phone, turn on some music, and start practicing the knee thing. Who knows, you could be the next big TikTok star! Remember, if you want to stay up to date on the latest TikTok trends, be sure to follow Xem TikTok for all the latest videos and updates.